Compostable Bags

Compostable bags for bin liners, caddy liners or compostable bags for food waste are an increasingly popular option. Compostbin bags are changing our behaviour. Your council may promote the use of compostable caddy liners or compostable food waste bags. At times, food waste collection requires compostable caddy liners. Nevertheless, it appears that a compostbin bag is being encouraged. You may have a compostbin or food cycler without using a compostable liner but a bag is often a simple solution.
Packaging made from compostable material is also a good option for food bags. Organic food in compostable bags and compostable carrier bags are on the rise replacing plastic carrier bags. Whether, your food arrives in a compostable bag or departs as food waste in a compostable bin bag, compostable packaging is popular.
Caddy liners vary in sizes. As compostable bag manufacturers, we ensure your compostable bags are custom made to suit requirements. You can order compostable bags in 10l. 25l, 30l, 50l or a size that suits you. Whether you require small compostable bags, compostable bags for wholesale or compostable council bags, we make compostable bags to order.
As compostable packaging manufacturers, we have seen the increased use of compostable bags. Initially, it was compostbin bags or caddy liners for food waste but demand for compostable packaging grows. Garden waste compost, compostable carrier bags, compostable mailing bags, and compostable bags for dog poo bags or cat litter are all popular. Compostable bags could not initially compete with plastic on price but compostable bags have become cheaper as the volumes grow. Therefore, compostable material is increasingly replacing plastic as an environmentally friendly option.
We see compostable bags for nappy bags at the start of life to compostable bags for human ashes at end of life.