Recycled Packaging

Recycled packaging can be an environmentally friendly solution. Recycled plastic
bags manufactured in the UK are a cost efficient, low carbon choice. UK made bags
involve soft plastic bags re-manufactured into bags made of recycled material.
Instead of bags going into the waste stream, these bags are raw material for
reprocessing into recycled packaging. Sometimes, a bag is simply a protective
cover for transporting goods. Therefore, a clean, dry recyclable plastic bag works
well as raw material for recycled plastic bags.
The difference between a recyclable bag (before) and a recycled bag (after) is key.
Manufactured from material that can be reprocessed a recyclable bag can avoid
waste disposal. Meanwhile, a recycled plastic bag is one made from recycled plastic.
In other words, a clear small polythene plastic bag (for fruit & veg) can be recyclable.
Made from raw granules (hygiene reasons) a food bag may be recyclable. A UK
manufacturer takes this bag and remanufactures it into a recycled bag, for instance,
a carrier bag, mailing bag, garment cover bag or waste bag. Bags made in the UK
can be recycled a number of times.
Plastic bagging, food bags, garment covers, soft plastic etc can all be recycled well.
As UK manufacturers, we prefer sourced raw material made in Britain for soft plastic
recycling. Above all, instead of plastic bag disposal, our customers can return their
waste film, bagging and protective cover sheets to recycle into their waste bags.
Reusing plastic to produce recycled packaging is a sustainable option. Our plastic
packaging in the factory of different sizes, colours, thickness are recycled into black
refuse waste bags used on site. Avoiding single use plastic where possible can also
be a cost effective and sustainable solution.
Moreover, there is something renewable about ‘one person’s rubbish becoming
another’s raw material’.